
Grant Cardone Quote of the Day #002

Grant Cardone Quote of the Day #002 Hey there, back again with me Renaldo with Grant Cardone Quote of the Day. Here's the quote: "Comfort makes more priisoners than all the jails combined." ~Grant Cardone~ Honestly all of us already experience this:satisfaction. After we hitting our goals, we feel stisfied. After we 10X-ing our income, we are satisfied. It is good to praise yourself more, but sometimes we become more apathy with our surroundings. We soesn't have our WhateverItTakes attitude or just like Rocky said, The Eye of a Tiger.  Maybe you ask yourself why, but here's some of the reason. First, you already reach the stars. This feelings make you on the top of the world, and want to see the horizon as long as you can, before you go down. It's okay to stay for awhile at the top, but sometimes you have to go down in order to "recharge" your energy. Second is that you deserve  for a netter one. It seems that you already accompli...

Grant Cardone Book Review: Be Obsessed or be Average

This is the one of the best of Grant Cardone books that I'm still working for. One day I went to a bookstore and I came across, OR, this book came across me! Summary written by:  Justin Gasbarre "To have what you want in life, you must give yourself permission to throw yourself all in on your dreams." - Be Obsessed or Be Average, page 20 Be Obsessed or Be Average  is another in your face, motivational book by bestselling author Grant Cardone. This book discusses how being obsessed is one of the best tools we have to leverage in order to breakout from living a mediocre and average life to  the one that we dream of. Cardone is an entrepreneur, real estate investor, sales trainer, consultant and public speaker whose style is both genuine and motivating. The book is a very engaging read throughout, with many examples and stories from the author. I find Cardone’s writing style to be very effective, and if you’ve ever heard him speak, it’s like he’s right there talk...

Grant Cardone Quotes of the Day #001

Grant Cardone Quote of the Day #001 Hey, welcome back with me here, Renaldo in Grant Cardone Universe! Hope you doing great this day. This is the first post for GC Quotes of the Day. Today quote is: "If you aren't scared, you aren't doing anything BIG." ~Grant Cardone~ Well, this is something for me. He's telling the truth man!  If you aren't scared, you aren't doing anything BIG! For those of you guys who wants more information about this gem quote: If you guys doesn't nt get scared of you doing something,literally you don't doing anything. It is like your brush your teeth daily, it becomes an integral part of your life, not a radical changing moment. I know there's someone out there, who prohibit their kids, their family, their neighbor, even their GOD, for not thinking BIG. What's wrong with thinking BIG? Man if you not thinking BIG, you not gonna help anyone. Thinking BIG enough, until the big player on you...

Welcome to Grant Cardone Universe!

Hi! My name is Renaldo Susilo. You can call me Renaldo. I'm starting to following Grant on his YouTube channel since last June 2018 and my life is completely changed, either it's spiritually, mentally and emotionally. For those of you guys, who doesn't know Grant Cardone, I want to make an introduction for you at my first post. I'm just getting more and more excited so let me just start it now. Grant Cardone is an entrepreneur, real estate investor and well-known as the greatest salesman in the world. His attitude will shows you. Probably you know him because YOU guys, is on the way to the top of your entrepreneurship journey, salesman or creating your financial prosperity. For me, Grant Cardone is my main character or model rule on salesman and entrepreneurial areas because what he teach to us is not only about the material world, but also the esoteric world. What he taught is his experience on his journey, making his first million dollar on sales company, which...