Welcome to Grant Cardone Universe!

Hi! My name is Renaldo Susilo. You can call me Renaldo. I'm starting to following Grant on his YouTube channel since last June 2018 and my life is completely changed, either it's spiritually, mentally and emotionally.
For those of you guys, who doesn't know Grant Cardone, I want to make an introduction for you at my first post. I'm just getting more and more excited so let me just start it now.
Grant Cardone is an entrepreneur, real estate investor and well-known as the greatest salesman in the world. His attitude will shows you. Probably you know him because YOU guys, is on the way to the top of your entrepreneurship journey, salesman or creating your financial prosperity.
For me, Grant Cardone is my main character or model rule on salesman and entrepreneurial areas because what he teach to us is not only about the material world, but also the esoteric world. What he taught is his experience on his journey, making his first million dollar on sales company, which is salesmanship is a thing that having my special interest.
His mainly known by his personal development book, 10X Rule: The Only Differences Between Success and Failure, because in that books he tell us about why people don't achieve their target and why most of people becoming fail, when they on the way to their own successful journey. Here is the top 3 summary of 10x Rule: The Only Differences Between Success and Failure according to James Clear blog's:
  • The biggest mistake most people make in life is not setting goals high enough.
  • The 10X Rule is based on understanding the level of effort and the level of thinking required to succeed.
  • Operating at activity levels far beyond the normal is 10X action and execution. It will take you far.
*You can see his full post on his link below:

The other books that makes Grant Cardone such an inspiration for me is Millionaire Booklet, How to Get Super Rich. He's making this book after he's attending a charity event on his church to making a worthy project on his church. His church need 2 million dollars to make this worthy project successful. From his research he can say that: 1 million dollars is raised by one single man, 500 thousand dollars is raised by 4 families, and the other 500 million dollars is raised by the rest of generous, hardworking people.After he knows this incredible fact, he begin to write this book, only on 3 hours of normal human labor time.
Well there is alot of things that I can share to you about Grant Cardone and why you should follow him too, but I just can't say all of them in this post. I want to, but I can't. It needs a lot of time to processing all of this incredible and precious data so we all can understand Grant very well, and employing his core values to our lives.

Your friend,



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